Tuesday, November 30, 2004




Can you hear the starlit shadow?

The rustling in the night?

Can you see the whisper of will-o-wisps,

Where darkling waters lie?

Taste the taste of wonder,


The blind can hear yet cannot see,

The deaf can be but dumb,

What sense have we of 5 lack?

Is five simply where lifes begun?

* * *

I've always wondered whats out there that we simply can't perceive. Things that are just beyond our human and technologies capacity. The guy in the Sound Machine, had the same idea when he made the machine to listen in the the flowers death shriek as it was cavalierly snipped. Well maybe that wasn't what he was trying to reach, but thats what he got.

Quantum physicist are reasearching string theory that relies on the basis of a 10 dimensional hyperspace! 10 dimensions?!?! Even in ADND™; a role-playing game, there are only 7. They believe that the universe is made out of infinitely miniscule strings that vibrate and in that act produce the music of life? Thats what I understand anyway. I may be very very off here. Fantastical...

So if there really are 10 dimensions. What are we missing in the 4th and the 5th? What sights lie in the 6th and 7th? How tastes the 8th dimesion? Who could we meet in the 9th and the 10th?


Even if we only had 3 dimensions, I've personally always wondered. What colour is a radio wave?


I hate my ego. I love my ego. Screw my ego.



Anonymous said...

Just a thought, have you considered studying philosophy? You have the makings of a philosopher I must say. I read perennial philosophical thoughts & hints of great ideas of great thinkers in your writings. Sure you've discovered by now that the mind is one intriguing playground. Have fun.


wandkey said...

Just as a clue, Time is the 4th dimension. You would know that if u learnt advanced physics, not that I do.

Btw, that 10 dimensions has been proven by Brown University in USA. Go and check it out if ur really that interested.

PS Your site is intriguing.

Anonymous said...

I am in love with the music on your site.
I had to look it up.
Lovely- Michelle Tumes (Center of My Universe)
Very cool... thanks, now i have a new favorite song :)
Thanks for the inspiration.

Yew Li said...

Thank you, You guys are really too kind... ;) Thank you, it really does make me feel better about myself knowing that people find my site worth their time ;)Cheers